What a G(n)Reat weekend!!!!

Be warned, this is going to be a long one!

Friday night we got the train up to Newcastle, and arrived pretty late (it is 3 hours on the train from here). We managed to sleep until 10am on Saturday (the hotel room had black out blinds so the light didn’t wake me up) – we could hear the tannoy announcer for the Junior run and things.

It was lovely weather as we walked across from our hotel to the city.

Anyway, by the time we had walked up into the town from Gatehead, it was lunch time. I had seen Laura mention Olive and Bean before, and neither of us had been to Newcastle before, so we went there and had a lovely lunch, including a Teapigs Chai tea + soya latte for me- yum. After a wander around the shops, I left Andy to go and meet up with Laura and Sarah.

I was very excited, but also very nervous beforehand as I had not met them before, just read their blogs. Anyway, it was wonderful to meet them both- we went for a tea in the same shop- can you see the wall of tea and coffee in the pic? What a perfect place to meet!

After that I just had to show Andy the wall of tea (we only had a little glance as we had eaten upstairs), so we went back again and bought some cake for later (carb loading??) and two packets of tea (including one which smells of marzipan) even though I was just saying to the girls that we had enough tea at home- I could not resist and luckily Andy liked the sound of them too.

We had an early dinner (yummy salad in Zizzi’s), a bit of disaster with trying to pre-buy our metro tickets (turns out you can’t??), then I bought some jelly beans as I realised I hadn’t packed any mid-run snacks, and then a nice walk back to the hotel.

The view from the Millennium Bridge was very pretty.

Then it was back to the room to get ready.

In the end I pinned my number on to the charity vest, as I was wearing a normal vest top underneath- much easier than pinning it on once I am wearing it.

The next morning we got up early for showers and a teacake (not sure if that was the best breakfast, but I knew it would settle OK), and then a walk to the start. It was overcast, but mild. I was super nervous though! I packed some spare toilet paper into the waist-band of my capris just in case.

This apparently was the photo that I looked less terrified in! I had my bottle with a nuun tab in it (as I prefer to have that while I run) and a little bag of jelly beans. The organisation was amazing- the bag drop was great (big buses) but I was feeling a bit overwhelmed by the number of people there. You hear that 54,000 people do it, but that is hard to comprehend I think.

Anyway, Andy was in a pen further up than me, so we wished each other good luck and then went to find our places. I got a bit tearful- I think that this was the first race that I have done that I was genuinely worried about not making it to the end. Plus I keep on thinking about when I was unwell, and things will pop into my head (not really flashbacks, but I will suddenly remember something bad from the hospital or something)- anyway, I want to put that behind me.

My pen (a green one- near the back with about 3 pens behind me I think) was filled with people already- loads of charity runners, some men dressed as penguins (my favourites)- everyone was very friendly. The warm up guy was funny, making everyone do the Mo-bot and the Bolt! I could see a big screen but not really hear it- I did see the elite women being introduced (a big cheer for Jo Pavey and Freya Murray). I saw the men too, but again could not really hear. I got a bit teary at the start again, dearie me. I was hoping no-one was looking at me that closely to notice.

They were off! Only we were off, then we stopped, walked a bit, stopped, walked some more. I could see people on the screens giving high-fives to Mo, Greg Rutherford, Ellie Simmonds etc.We saw the Red Arrows fly over (and a lady near me said that last year she started further up the front and was crossing the bridge by the time they flew over).  Anyway, by the time I saw the start line the clock said 35 mins! I cannot believe it took that long but it was a lot of people. As I was about to cross the line I saw two queues for the toilets- well it turned out one was for the toilets, and one was to high five Mo and Ellie! I decided not to go back so instead I just shouted “woo Mo!”. I bet he heard me???? Haha.

By then it was raining quite hard so my glasses were foggy. But the atmosphere was just brilliant! I loved it! Even with the rain the streets were crowded with people cheering, little kids trying to get high-fives, people giving out water, jelly beans, beer (!). The bands were brilliant too, although I always think things like that could do with more. There were so many charity runners (the man with the fridge- amazing)- I was loving just reading the different messages and charity vests.

I was looking at my Garmin (I pressed go just before the start, which meant that I got a beep just a bit before each mile marker which was good as then I could look out for it) and saw that my first mile was 10 something (too fast for that length of race for me) but it was hard to slow down. Anyway, people were going past me and I kept saying to myself “the tide is going out” (from Marathon talk and something I try to think about)- at the start most people will go too fast so they will overtake you, but by the end you will be overtaking some as they slow, so the tide comes back in again. Anyway, it worked because I managed to slow down, and did the first 5K in about 35 mins (34.16 according to the official results page). There were a few hills, but nothing too long or too steep, and after an hour the rain stopped so I could clean my glasses and look properly! Still the streets were lined with kids (although I wasn’t keen on the kids that were picking up water from the stations and squirting them at runners- maybe nicer on a hot day)- “Come and get your jelly beans here” etc- like going to the market! I was trying to count down the miles I had left, but as well as mile markers they had mats for 5K, 10K and 15K. Now, I am fine with maths, but clearly not when I am running, because I was very surprised when, just after 10k, I passed the half way sign- I had worked out half way as being 8 miles! Duh!

When I had 5 miles left, I started on the jelly beans- I didn’t end up having too many (after a while the sugary feeling in your mouth is a bit horrible really), but I thought I would need the boost.

Around 10 miles ish, we went through the Bupa Boost Zone- the Great South run had one of these two- they have a guy cheering people on, playing sort of pumping music, and they were saying about how we were getting close. Again, I got all emotional and nearly cried as I was running through it. I just kept on thinking that it was the furthest I have run this year, since I was out of hospital etc, and sort of remembering how far I have come since then. Silly.

When I got to 10 miles, I was close to South Shields and could see signs for the coast. Then the Red Arrows started flying up ahead. I knew they were doing the display at 1.15, but as it had taken me so long to cross the start line I had no hope of getting there in time. But it was perfect timing- apparently one of the hills near the end lasts for a mile, but I was so distracted watching them that I didn’t really notice it. I just love seeing them. My favourite bit was when they created a heart in the sky, and a women near me shouted “Oh my G*d, they are doing the Mo-bot!” Er, no, it was a heart- made me giggle anyway.

The Red Arrows continued- I went down the hill and saw the sea! I tried to run down it fast, like the Sweatshop people have been trying to help me get better at it. There were brilliant signs “It’s the sea!” was my fave! The Red Arrows were still going strong, and then all of a sudden it was the last mile! The crowds were massive, and I was trying to look out for my Dad’s cousin and their orange balloons, but I stood no chance! At the 800m to go sign, I realised I was going to finish, and tried to keep a steady pace and not let the adrenaline get to me too soon. Then with the 400m sign I picked up the pace a little (tried to overtake the people who were walking), and then I heard someone say “that’s the end, the blue sign” so I pushed on. Only the blue sign was by the corner, and you had to turn and run up another 10m or so before the actual finishers line. I was so excited to cross the finish line, and then of course more tears came. I have no idea why I found it so emotional, but I did. I also realised that I was pretty close to 2 1/2 hours, which was the time I was aiming for. My first half I did in 2.32, and my second in 2.19 (but I knew I was not that fast)- I did it in 2.27 so I am really pleased- it is a “come-back pb” anyway, but also it my second best time (out of 3). Plus I ran the whole way- I was going to let myself walk if I needed to, but I didn’t!

It took a while to meet up with Andy- he had already collected our bag and had some food.

I was excited to have a space blanket in my bag, and of course a medal too! I did it!!!!!!!

By this time, it was gone 2pm, and so we headed to the Metro station (easier said than done)- it seemed a long hobble! Then a long queue. I had a cereal bar in the queue, but I was not feeling that hungry. Anyway, the trains were organised, but the queues were huge, so by the time we had got on a train, got to Gateshead and walked down to our hotel, it was after 4pm! Where did the time go? We both changed (always pack baby wipes for races) as I didn’t want to spend another second in my running clothes, let alone a 3 hour train journey. As I was changing I found the toilet paper in my waistband- rather disintegrated! (I hadn’t needed to use the port-a-loos in the end).

Anyway, we started walking to the train station, but just over the bridge we saw a taxi, and thank goodness it was there. We had just enough time to buy a sandwich at the station, before getting to our 5pm train. Then the hunger just hit me- I realised that all I had eaten was a tea cake, some jelly beans and a cereal bar- not great to get to 5pm with just that.

When we changed trains we had about 25 mins, so we bought a cup of tea at the station before the final journey home- got in the door just before 9pm last night. It turned out to be a long day! But a brilliant one too.

Then it was time for a quick shower, dinner (I bought a nice Waitrose pizza on Friday for us to share as I wanted something that could just be put in the oven and needed nothing doing to it), and a rest in front of the TV. I put my compression socks on and I had forgotten how much they help.

This morning I was a bit stiff, but I have not been too bad. I am having today and tomorrow off from running, and am going to see how I feel on Wednesday- I might go to Sweatshop, or I might do a jog on my own if I am still a bit sore.

Anyway, I loved it! I loved the crowd support, and the atmosphere- it was the closest feeling to running Stockholm marathon. I loved all the random signs, the crowd doing the Mo-bot, the charity runners in their fancy dress, the amazing man with the fridge on his back (I passed him after about 10 miles- how was he still running???), the people setting up their own water and food stalls (Andy saw people giving out beer near the end- each to their own!). The one thing I would say is that Powerade should make smaller bottles- after each station there were so many bottles discarded where runners had only taken one sip and then thrown it- what a waste. Ideally I would have spent the night up there and travelled back down today, but one of the small draw backs of teaching is of course that I can’t take days off, so it did turn into a bit of a rush at the end. But it was brilliant, and each time I think about it, I am smiling.

Today I left work earlier than usual, brought my marking home and watched the race (set it to tape yesterday) and had some new tea 🙂 Resting my legs.

Right, that is enough for now. Thanks again for anyone who has sponsored me, for all the good luck wishes etc. (And if you did sponsor me, I will be getting my bake-on next weekend).

What did you get up to this weekend?

Sponsorship plea

Hey peeps.

Thanks for all the lovely messages on my last post- I keep going from feeling confident that I will manage the GNR, to waves of panic about not finishing and missing the train back home. Anyway, I am trying to stay in a positive frame of mind. A lovely colleague sponsored me the other day, and when I thanked her she told me that she was so impressed because of all I have been through this year. Sometimes when I refer back to my op, I feel a bit like I am making a meal out of nothing, seeing as it was a small op, no complications etc. But when I came home from the hospital I could barely walk, so I suppose the fact I am running now is a reason to celebrate, and a reason to feel proud that I have come back from that really.

Anyway, I enjoy running races, and usually just run for myself, but once a year I like to raise money for charity. This year I missed the Race for Life near me (races?), and didn’t get a place through the GNR ballot. But my Dad’s cousin worked for a charity (a branch of the Sheffield Hospitals Charity- the kidney research part)- they also run it each year (as well as doing other fund raising things) and I think the charity does really good work.  Anyway, they secured me a charity place, which sorted out my charity of the year dilemma.

Last year I did a few give-aways for people who sponsored me, but this year I am going to do a Great British Bake off style giveaway, and if you sponsor me I will send you out some home-made goodies. Any donations are very much appreciated- every pound adds up after all. So in advance if you feel you can sponsor me a little bit then I sent you my thanks xx

The link is here.

(I chose My Donate because the charity gets more than it would from other donating websites- something I didn’t know before).

On the subject of running, taper time is here! Yesterday my run went well and each mile was a little quicker, and today I did just over 3 miles, and again (despite the wind) kept a faster pace. When I started back, 3 miles was taking me nearly 40 mins, but on my own it is down to about 33/34, and with Sweatshop it is a bit lower. Anyway, tomorrow I have a late meeting at work (so no Sweatshop run, boo), and Thursday is pump. Friday night we are getting the train up, so no more running before Sunday! Ahhh!

But I am in a positive frame of mind.

And thanks again if anyone does sponsor me. Maria xx

Since I’ve been back

Hey everyone- I hope you are all enjoying the Indian summer (well, last week anyway). I got back on Saturday lunch time, then Monday was back to work, and all my blog posts have been holiday ones. But I have been back to randomly taking photos (and back to running regularly too) so here is a whistlestop tour of the last week.

So, running:

Sunday- 6 miles= felt OK.

Monday- same 6 mile route after work= much harder.

Tuesday- 3 miles slow

Wednesday- Sweatshop run! Super speedy middle section (I jog there and back slowly)- 3 miles in under 30 mins!

Thursday- Body pump! I had forgotten about all those press-ups!

Friday- Rest

Saturday- 10 mile run. I took it super slow and steady, didn’t look at my Garmin (turned it around on my wrist so I was not tempted) and tried to run on “feel” more. Took me just under 2 hours, but I felt OK at the end and I think at that sort of pace I could continue for the 3 extra miles.

Sunday- Rest

Today- Just under 4 mile run after work. For some reason my plan said 7 miles! But then I remembered about the taper (I think I still get one even though I just had a holiday?) and also got home from work later.

I bet you missed seeing pictures of me just back from a run? Well here you go:

The red face is back! (I think that was after the second 6 mile run, and it was rather hot out there that day!)

I got my vest for the charity I am raising money for.

The GNR is just around the corner! Eek!

Food has been tasty:

Yummy quinoa chickpea salad with a lime/coconut dressing (well lime juice, agave and dessicated coconut), with spinach, artichoke, basil tofu and dried mango. Sort of tropical fused with Italian! Had the leftovers for 2 lunches too.

Lovely chai latte (celestial seasonings Bengal spice teabag, vanilla soya milk and a splash of syrup I think) in my new cup, plus lovely energy ball bites by Something from Sarah.

Delicious sweet potato and pb, with a spinach and fig salad (yes there is some potato under all that pb).

Lovely post run breakfast of blueberries, chia seeds and muesli soaked in almond milk, topped with mango, plus coconut water.

Yummy granola to top my soaked muesli- love all the freeze-dried fruit.

My attempt at an acai bowl. We had these loads on holiday- this one (made 2) was made with: 2 cups frozen cherries, 1 big frozen banana (slice before I freeze them), tsp cocoa powder and a tsp vanilla bean paste whizzed up in the food processor. Served with chopped papaya, blueberries and banana, sprinkled with granola and drizzled with agave. It was pretty close to the ones we enjoyed in Hawaii.

There has also been lots of tea! Especially teapigs tea, as I have been sent some samples 🙂 Lovely Earl Grey tea (the best I have had I think)

Yummy Lemongrass- so refreshing.

And warming spiced winter tea for a cool autumnal evening.

I also missed baking while I was away, and boy I made up for it this weekend! After running 10 miles, doing some work, and housework, I then made batches of white chocolate peanut butter blondies, another batch with added coconut, some peanut butter and strawberry fudge, and some dark chocolate orange brownies! Phew!

Then I bagged them up ready to take to work, to help persuade people to sponsor me. The little tags have the website on them. They covered my dining room table I cannot believe I made so many! Hopefully I will manage to raise some more funds for the charity.

Right, that is enough for now! I have been catching up on the Great British Bake Off (love it)- might try to squeeze in an episode before bed time.

Night 🙂

Packing and emptying

Packing my suitcase, and emptying my fridge that is!

Well the last few days I have been trying to use up everything (no photos again because for some reason I can’t get it to upload). Yesterdays breakfast was lovely- Alpro plain yoghurt, doughnut peach, and some pumpkin tea bread with pb. (I made the pumpkin teabread with 1 cup dried chopped figs, 1 cup raisins, soaked in 300ml tea, plus one cup of pumpkin puree, 2 cups flour, 2 eggs..)- delicious.

Last night was a Sweatshop run- we did a route that was about 3.2miles, and I kept the front of the group in sight- made it back in 31.35! Pretty fast, especially as it was hot!

Finishing that I had a lovely dinner of balsamic tofu (I pressed the tofu and then soaked it in balsamic and dried basil before baking) with a salad of beetroot and avocado- things that needed using up!

I have been sorting out things at the allotment a bit- some weeding, planting a few more plants, picking mountains of raspberries (and now eating them as they needed using up!).

Today I was packing (and waiting in for a parcel) and went out for a slow 4 mile run (in the baking heat this afternoon)- soon I shall be running along the beaches, or something like that.

I am taking my running shoes on holiday with me- I have never done this before, and usually take the opportunity to have a rest from running on holiday, as I think a rest makes you come back with more enthusiasm. Plus we always walk a lot on holiday- we are not ones for lounging about- we do a lot of sightseeing, so I never want to be tired from a run during a long walk or something. But this year I had a rather long enforced rest, and I am concious that when I get back I have 2 weeks before the GNR- not long to get up to that distance (13.1 miles- eek).  Andy is taking his too, so we are hoping to have a couple of runs together each week- not much, and not extending anything, but hopefully it will minimise the fitness loss. That is the plan anyway.

Our holiday is a rather special one- at Christmas we were meant to be going to New York, Washington and Philadephia for Christmas (and then to the beach in Florida) but as I was in hospital we had to cancel. Andy promised me that if we had to cancel it, we would go to Hawaii, and that is where we are headed! We have a stop in Vancouver, so are off to Whistler tomorrow, and then after that to a few of the Hawaiian islands- I cannot wait- might even get to visit the Dole pineapple plantation and see a volcano! Eek! Better finish my packing 🙂

Do you have any trips planned this summer?

Anywhere you can recommend?

Tough run, and then a fun day out in London

Hey- I hope everyone loved Super Saturday and am not getting fed up of me raving about the Olympics yet!

Where did I last leave you? Friday I was at a wedding all day- it was lovely, there was no rain, I spend the whole day with some fab friends- wonderful stuff…

Saturday the plan was a 12 mile run. Recently I have been going out before breakfast, so I decided to do that. It did not go so well. I will not ramble on (really?) but it was hard. The weather was muggy which didn’t help, but I felt like I had no energy- I walked several times which is very unlike me, and I even had to stop for the toilets at one point. Andy caught me up again and ran with me for a bit which was nice, but I just wasn’t feeling it. It started raining lightly after about 5 miles, then eased off, but then when I was about 1-2 miles from home it poured down- torrential rain. First the rain washed all the salt off my face and into my eyes, then the rain filled my eyes (had to take my glasses off) and at points I could not see because my eyes just could not get the water out. In the end I cut it a bit short and did just under 11 miles, but it was a struggle. I was quite fed up when I got home, but in reality I know that I had not slept enough, and had not eaten normally the day before (wedding meal in the afternoon, slice of cake in the evening), and probably had not drunk enough either. Anyway, as I keep saying, I just want to enjoy the GNR, and so what if I have to walk a bit??

Breakfast could not come soon enough! Nectarine, raspberries, muesli, maple cereal, chia seeds, almond milk, topped with soya yoghurt and pb.

I spent the rest of the day chilling- watching some sports on TV, popping to town to pick up my new glasses, then spent the evening at Andy’s parents- I was so excited during Mo’s race! I really didn’t think he would do it- I thought he would do better in the 5000m so it was even better!!!

This morning we headed into London- we made pretty good time- leaving home at 9am and getting to Tower Bridge at about 10.

When we came out of the tube station it was very exciting to see the logo on the bridge.

(Andy’s camera for most of these as the battery ran out of mine after 3 pictures!)

You can almost see the colours here!

We walked over the bridge to by the Tower of London, and then it started raining very hard!

See those black clouds- they were on their way to us!

We waited in the shop for a bit, and then when it eased off we walked up to the course. Then it started raining hard again, and we still had a while before it started (and we were near the end of the loop bit) so we headed down to a Starbucks for a warm drink and a sit down. Just in time, as it poured even harder.

At about half 11 the rain had nearly stopped, so we went back up to the course. I was so jammy- the crowds were about 2 or 3 people deep, but the man I stood behind moved as soon as the runners went past on their first lap, and then a child moved away, so I got right up by the barriers! Plus we could see them on the way past in both directions, as they ran up the road, turned and ran back down the other side.

Seeing the runners was so amazing- they are just so fast! Plus I hear about them all the time on marathon talk- I felt pleased that I actually knew some of them! All the crowd were cheering every single runner past, but there were big roars for the GB girls. I saw Freya Murray go through, and a little later Claire Hallisey, but never saw Mara (and only later I saw the news story that she pulled out after 5K- such a shame)- extra big cheers for them. The sun came out, and it ended up getting quite hot. After they went by the third time we started to wander to the river.

We saw a band playing very lively music, and walked passed one of the water stations too.

We walked over to St Paul’s, and I was so excited when we came across an Earl of Sandwich! We have been to these in America before, but never seen one in the UK! That was lunch sorted!

Just look at that blue sky- hard to believe it is the same day!

We then walked along the river (lovely views of the Eye and Big Ben etc) and then up to Trafalgar Square. Nelson was wearing a Union Jack on his hat!

A lot of it was still pedestrianised (as they had closed lots of roads I suppose) which made it lovely- much better as there were quite big crowds.

We also stumbled across a free exhibition of different Olympic torches- belonging to the Prince of Monaco. It was very interesting as they gave us a leaflet about all the torch designs- but we only took a picture of the London 2012 one.

Exciting stuff!

Finally we headed to the big Wholefoods- what a lovely shop. And yes, I managed to spend quite a bit!

Drinks- vanilla chai (love this and had just run out), plus mango and tropical coconut water.

Snacks- popcorn (for Andy), chocolate pretzels, yummy zest pesto.

Chocolate and things- pb, marzipan bars, coconut bounce bar, raspberry and coconut chocolate, earl grey tea chocolate, lucuma powder.

Plus some doughnut peaches- I have only ever had these in the US before and they are so good- had to have one as soon as I got home.

Then we headed home on the train, and collapsed in front of the TV for some more sporting action!


I am hoping to have a run tomorrow morning before I go into work, but I looked just now and my trainers are still soaked from yesterday. I have put them in the airing cupboard with some newspaper, but might have to wear my old ones I suppose if they are not dry.

Did you watch any of the women’s marathon today? What did you get up to this weekend?